Summer Tuition and Other Fees

Summer tuition will vary depending on the enrolled summer program and may be charged based on either part-time (0-6 units) or full-time (7+ units) enrollment. Certain programs will be charged by the number of enrolled units during the term. Tuition fees may vary from student to student, depending on the pursued program.

Outside GH surrounded by trees


Two summer fee structures
There will be two different tuition fee structures this summer. Depending on the degree program or enrolled courses, the Student Homepage will reflect either per-unit tuition or a "part-time/full-time" tuition fee. More information about the summer fee structures is available below.

What are my charges?
Check if your program is considered either  Self-Support  (per-unit charges) or  State-Support (part-time and full-time tuition charges) on the information provided below.



Self-Support charges

If your program or course is not included in the List of State-Support Programs, summer tuition fees will be charged the per-unit Self-Support Tuition rates below.

The majority of the CSUF Summer Session programs are administered through Extension & International Programs (EIP). 

Campus-based fees will be added to the final charges on your Student Account after enrollment in summer courses.

self-Support Tuition Fees
 Item Charges Per Unit
Undergraduate Program $320.00
Credential Program $330.00
Graduate Program $360.00
Ed. Doctorate Program N/A
Doctor of Nursing Practice N/A
3-unit sample (not including campus fees)
 Item 3-unit Charge
Undergraduate Program $960.00
Credential Program $990.00
Graduate Program $1,080.00

state-Support Charges

Courses enrolled under the programs below will have tuition charged based on the part-time and full-time tuition rates.

There will be one flat tuition charge for either part-time enrollment (0-6 units) or full-time enrollment (7+ units).

List of State-Support Programs

  • Education Doctorate Program
  • GEOL 481A
  • Master's of Business Administration (MBA)*
  • Master's in Curriculum and Instruction
  • Master's in Education (Ed Leadership & Admin, Elem Curric & Instruction/Credential, Higher Ed, Secondary Ed, Special Ed, Ed Tech)
  • Master's in Higher Education
  • Master's in Special Education
  • Master's in Transformative Teaching in Secondary Education
  • Master's in Public Health (MPH)
  • Master of Science in Engineering Management
  • Master of Arts in Mathematics/Teaching
  • Master of Arts in Math/Applied Math
  • Master of Science in Athletic Training
  • Master of Science in Accountancy*
  • Master of Science in Accounting and Finance*
  • Master of Science in Information Systems*
  • Master of Science in Information Technology*
  • Master of Science in Instructional Design & Technology
  • Master of Science in Software Engineering
  • Master of Science in Statistics
  • Master of Science in Taxation*
  • Master of Science in Environmental Engineering
  • Master of Science in Athletic Training
  • Master of Science in Counseling
  • Master of Science in Computational Applied Mathematics
  • Master's in Public Health
  • Nursing - all majors and programs including Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

*Additional Professional Program Fee Charges

State-Support Tuition Fees
 Item Charge
Undergraduate Nursing Program &
GEOL 481A (0-6 units)
Undergraduate Nursing Program &
GEOL 481A  (7+ units)
Credential Program (0-6 units) N/A
Credential Program (7+ units) N/A
Graduate Program (0-6 units) $2,082.00
Graduate Program (7+ units) $3,588.00
Ed. Doctorate Program (Any units) $5,919.00
Doctor of Nursing Practice (Any units) $7,635.00

Non-Resident Tuition fees (if applicable), Professional Program fees, and Campus-Based fees will be added to the final charges on the student account after enrollment in State-Support summer courses.


Summer Session Campus Fees

Campus-Based fees will be added to all enrolled students. Whether the student is State-Support or Self-Support, each student will be required to pay the mandatory campus fees for the summer.

List of Campus-based fees
 Item Charge
Student Success Fee $52.66
Associated Student Body Fee $6.13
Campus Union Fee $73.48
Consolidated Course Fee $30.62
Health Center Fee $97.96
Health Facilities Fee $3.66
Student ID Card Fee $4.89
TITAN Participation Fee $8.57
Total $277.97


Miscellaneous State-Support fees (If applicable)

Students may also be charged additional fees with regular tuition and campus-based fees. Out-of-state (non-resident) students will have an additional non-resident tuition fee charged on their account for each enrolled unit. Professional Program Fees will also be charged for each enrolled unit to students enrolled in select graduate programs.

Table of Miscellaneous fees (State-Support Programs)
 Item Charge
Non-Resident Tuition Fee $396.00 per enrolled units
Professional Program Fee $270.00 per enrolled units

Non-Resident Tuition Fees:

Students that are not California Residents will be charged an additional non-resident tuition fee on top of their regular tuition and campus charges. Non-Resident tuition fees are an additional $396.00 for each enrolled unit.

List of Programs or Courses with applicable Non-Resident Tuition Fee

  • Education Doctorate Program
  • GEOL 481A
  • Master's in Education (Ed Admin, Elem Curric & Instruction/Credential, Higher Ed, Secondary Ed, Special Ed, Teaching Online)
  • Master's in Engineering Management
  • Master's in Public Health (MPH)
  • Master of Arts in Mathematics/Teaching
  • Master of Science in Athletic Training
  • Master of Science in Instructional Design & Technology
  • Master of Science in Software Engineering
  • Master of Science in Environmental Engineering
  • Master of Science in Statistics
  • Nursing-all majors including Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) and Postbac Credential

Professional Program Fees:

Students enrolled in the programs below will be charged an additional Professional Program Fee on top of their regular tuition and campus charges. Professional program fees are an additional  $270.00 for each enrolled unit.

List of Programs with applicable Professional Program Fee

  • Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • Master of Science in Accountancy
  • Master of Science in Information Technology
  • Master of Science in Information Systems
  • Master of Science in Taxation



Supportive Pathways for First-Year Students Program - Fullerton forward Charges

A full refund will be issued if courses are dropped before the program start date ($5.00 refund processing fee). Payments are non-refundable if courses are dropped after the start of the program. Supportive Pathways for First-Year Students (SPFY) Program fees are due the same day as enrollment in courses. 

The fees for Supportive Pathways Program are due immediately.

list of SPFY program fees
 Item Charge
SPFY Program Fee $191.00 per enrolled units
SPFY Program Health Facility Fee $1.00
SPFY Program Campus Union Fee $1.00

To learn more, please visit the Supportive Pathways for First-Year Students webpage.



important summer dates

summer registration dates and payment deadlines
 Name Registration Date Payment Deadline
Titan A March 15 - April 30, 2024 May 3, 2024
Titan B May 1 - 23, 2024 May 23, 2024
Prepay Beginning May 24, 2024 Due Prior to Enrollment